
Cohort implemented to test the hypothesis that early life dietary habits are the major determinants of the risk of obeisty and metabolic diseases in adulthood. The secondary objectives of the study were:

  1. To analyse the evolution of food intake by age in order to comprehend the effect of dietary habits on food choices in adulthood
  2. To study the influence of physical activity on growth parameters
  3. To evaluate the evolution of growth and development (trajectory and speed of growth) and its association with futur risks

The ELANCE study was launched in 1985 and the participants were followed from the age of 10 months to 20 years. In the biginning, children were examined in child health centres (n=162 seen at the age of 10 months, 2 years and 4 years). After the age of 6 years, children were visited at home (n=126 examined at 6 years, n=112 at 8 years, n=104 at 10 years and n=94 at 16 years). Examinations consisted of anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist circumference, skin folds), questions on dietary intakes (at all ages) and on physical activity (starting from 10 years of age). Other information concerning gestational age, weight and height at birth, method and duration of milk feeding and family history of diseases was collected from the mothers. At 20 years, 74 participants were examined in medical centres for adults. Biological analyses were performed to assess, among other factors, the hormonal status (leptin, ghrelin and growth factors).

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