

EREN: Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (Inserm 1153/Inra 1125/Cnam/Université de Paris - Paris 13)

The objective of the EREN team is to investigate the relationships between nutrition and health, the mechanisms underlying these relationships and the determinants of dietary behaviours.

The ultimate purpose of our research is to provide health authorities and government agencies with scientific evidence to guide public health nutrition policymaking. “Nutrition” includes not only diet in its various dimensions (food, beverages, bioactive compounds, environmental exposure), but also physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and nutritional status (bio- and clinical markers). We also explore non-nutritional dimensions of the diet (e.g. food additives, food processing, mode of production, contaminants, etc.). We investigate a large spectrum of nutrition-related pathological and functional health outcomes, such as chronic diseases (cardiometabolic disorders, cancers, skin diseases, etc.), obesity, mental and cognitive health, mortality, and (healthy) ageing.

EREN is the only French team fully dedicated to the epidemiology of nutrition and health, in all its dimensions, and one of the few at the international level.



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