ERC Consolidator Grant ADDITIVES "Exposure to ‘cocktails’ of food additives and chronic disease risk" 2020-2025; role of EREN: PI (Dr M. Touvier (PI), Drs M. Deschasaux, E. Chazelas, N. Pecollo, Y Esseddik, B. Srour, C. Julia, E. Kesse-Guyot, B. Allès, S. Hercberg, P. Galan, V. Andreeva, L. Fezeu, P. Latino-Martel).

FOP-ICE (Front-of-pack labelling International comparative experimental study) 2016-2020 PIs : Dr C Julia, D S Pettigrew – Drs P Galan, S Hercberg; (participation - VA Andreeva)

HERA “Health environment research agenda”; grant: CSA H2020 2018; PI: Prof Robert Barouki, Inserm , EREN members involved Dr Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot

FUNPROD “Relationships between functional diversity and food production and quality under ecological intensification”; grant: Biodiversa Horizon 2019 ERA-NET COFUND; PI: Prof. Dr. Klaus Birkhofer Brandenburg University of Technology Germany; EREN members involved Dr Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot« Evaluation of stable nitrogen isotopes in blood plasma as a biomarker of organic food consumption” Ekhaga foundation 2019; PI: Dr Axel mie, Karolinska Institute (Suède), EREN members involved: Dr Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot (WP leader) & Dr Julia Baudry

ERC Advanced Grant HOMOSYMBIOSUS "Assessing, preserving and restoring man-microbe symbiosis" 2018-2022: PI Dr Joël Doré (Inrae MICALIS), role of EREN: Partner (Dr M. Deschasaux, Dr M. Touvier, Dr P. Galan)

OXYGENATE "Oxylipins signature to monitor the cardiometabolic status and its response to dietary intervention (projet européen) ; financement : ERA JPI HDHL - Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health 2017-2020 ; PI : Dr Cécile Gladine, UNH Inra U1019 Clermont-Ferrand ; L'EREN (PI : Dr Mathilde Touvier ; Lucie Lécuyer, Dr Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, Dr Léopold Fezeu, Dr Mélanie Deschasaux, Dr Pilar Galan, Pr Serge Hercberg) est WP leader.

DEDIPAC "Determinants of diet and physical activity" (projet européen), centre de connaissances européen pour intégrer et développer les infrastructures pour la recherche en Europe ; coordinateur : Johannes Brug, Université d'Amsterdam, Faculté des sciences sociales et comportementales, Pays-Bas ; l'EREN (Dr Caroline Méjean, Dr Sandrine Péneau, Dr Wendy Si Hassen) participe en particulier au WP2.4 (Social inequalities in determinants of dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours).

SPOTLIGHT “Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies” ; financement : FP7 2012-2016 ; coordinateur : J Brug VUMC, Université Vreije, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas NL ; L'EREN (JM Oppert) est co-leader du WP3 (Obesogenicity of environments in Europe, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK) avec M McKee.

Action COST POSITIVe (Plant biOactiveS InTerIndividual Variation) "Interindividual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives and determinants involved" ; financement : COST EU RTD Framework Programme 2014 ; PI : Christine Morand, UNH Inra U1019, Clermont-Ferrand ; L'EREN (Dr Mathilde Touvier) participe au consortium.

METACARDIS "Metagenomics and Integrative Systems Medicine of Cardiometabolic Diseases" ; financement européen FP7-HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1 ; PI : Pr Karine Clément, Inserm U872 Nutriomique, Centre de recherche des Cordeliers ; L’EREN (PI : Dr Léopold Fezeu ; Pr Serge Hercberg, Dr Pilar Galan, Dr Mathilde Touvier) participe à un WP.

EURO-DISH "Determinants, Intake, Status, Health. Study on the need for food and health research infrastructures in Europe" ; financement : FP7 2012-2015 ; coordinateur : Pr Karin Zimmermann, Université Wageningen, Pays-Bas ; L’EREN (PI : Dr Léopold Fezeu ; Pr Serge Hercberg, Dr Sandrine Péneau) participe à un WP.

LIPGENE "Diet, genomics and the metabolic syndrome: an integrated nutrition, agro-food, social and economic analysis" ; financement : 6ème PCRD (2004-2009) contrat FOOD-CT-2003-505944 ; coordonnateur : Pr Mike Gibney et Dr Helen Roche, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Irlande ; L’EREN a participé au WP1 (Serge Hercberg, Emmanuelle Kesse, Sandrine Bertrais).

HOPE "Health-promotion through Obesity Prevention across Europe" ; financement : DG RESEARCH 2007-2009 ; coordinateurs : J Brug Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas et P James, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK ; L’EREN (JM Oppert) est leader du WP8 (Physical activity in the prevention of obesity in children and adults in Europe).

ALPHA "Assessing Levels of PHysical Activity in Europe" ; financement : DG SANCO 2007-2010 ; coordinateur : M Sjostrom, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden ; L'EREN (JM Oppert) participe au WP5 (Instruments to assess environmental attributes of physical activity in Europe).